Friday, October 18, 2013

Emma's Blog

Hi my name is Emma Katherine:)

We got extra recess today!

Sydney and I outside with are monkeys there is 2 banana baby,snow,2 NASA,2 pinky,cool,limo,soccer,happy,and sailor!
Ashley having a great time on the slide!!
  Cailey and avery climbing!
 What not to do on the bars! 
Do not sit on things like Ashley is!!!
Sydney and Ashley being crazy!!
Do not hang on the slide!!
Sydney having fun with mulch.
Ashley and Sydney and I doing a handstands upside down!
Cailey and Ashley doing a cartwheel upside down!
Cailey and I doing a backbend!
Sydney and Ashley photo booming cailey!
Cailey and I photo bombing Sydney!!
Ashely sleeping upside down!
Sydney doing a push-up!
Ashley about to run!
Mrs.Gastirch and me!!
BYE! Thank you for looking at the blog!

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