Friday, December 14, 2012

Ivan's Blog

Adopt a family is over now and our class did not win but it is ok because we brought in a total of 801 items. The book I am reading is the familiars and I would recommend reading it.

Generous Class!

I am so proud of this class. They brought in 801 items for Adopt a Family!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Logan's Blog

Hi I am Logan these are some pictures that I took for being the weekly top chef. Wow this is how many boxes for Adopt a Family and our number is 554 items. We also have party but we have to earn all the letters to get the party. Here is a picture of me for hitting a Grand Slam For Character. Last but not lest a picture of our read aloud book which is Ghost In The Grave Yard. By thanks for reading my blog.